Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Countdown to Halloween: Gathering in the Pumpkins

(From the Library of Congress, c.1904)
Gathering in the pumpkins at the end of this Countdown to Halloween.

Well, what a long strange trip it's been. As I'd hoped, looking for Halloween in the nineteenth-century took me - and you, loyal reader - down some fascinating highways and by-ways. I've tried to sum up what I learned in a guest-post for the I. B. Tauris blog - available here. Who knows - maybe we'll embark on another Countdown next year?

Before you head over to I. B. Tauris for the real final word, here's one last special treat. Walter Scott is apparently the patron saint of this blog at the moment, and so here's a glorious Halloween fragment from Waverley (1814) - a song that Rose Bradwardine sings for the eponymous hero (click for bigger):    

And with all the pumpkins safely gathered in, have a Happy Halloween.

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